Special Education

Department and Program Overview 
The Kenilworth Special Services Department provides a full continuum of instructional programs for students who have been evaluated by the Child Study Team and based on a series of assessments, eligibility criteria, and educational needs, qualify for special education services. The Kenilworth Special Education Department is committed to meeting the social, emotional, and educational needs of each student.  Furthermore, the department strives to provide support and effective, ongoing communication between the school and the families of our students.  The Kenilworth Special Services Department believes that students should be serviced in the Least Restrictive Environment with extensive opportunities for meaningful inclusion.    

Preschool Program: The PSD Program provides our preschool-aged students who have been identified with a disability with educational support in the five domains of skill development: social and emotional, fine and gross motor, communication, cognitive, and adaptive. The program serves students between the ages of 3 to 5. There are three program options based on individual student needs. The least restrictive program is a 2.5 hour full inclusive model, in which students are educated with their non-disabled peers and only require related services as determined through the evaluation process. 

The next level of programming is an extended inclusive program for 5 hours. Of the 5 hours, 2.5 hours are spent with their non-disabled peers, followed by another 2.5 hours in a self-contained setting, targeting individualized goals.

The third and most restrictive setting is an intensive, five-hour self-contained program based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. All programs, lessons, and activities are differentiated to target the specific and unique needs of all students. Whole group instruction, small group instruction, and one-to-one instruction may be incorporated. Inclusion with support is available when possible.  

Placement in these programs is based on evaluation results and CST recommendations. Transition within the different programs and levels of support is possible and encouraged, based on student progress toward general education educational goals.

Pull-out Resource Replacement: Resource Replacement classes are instructed by a special education teacher using curriculum, content, and materials from the general education classroom. Instruction is provided in a small group environment while implementing techniques, strategies, and modifications designed for individual student needs.  Curricular modifications, omissions, and substitutions may occur based on the individualized and unique needs of the learner. 

In-Class Resource: In-Class resource takes place in the large group general education class with two teachers, a general education teacher and a special education teacher.   In this setting, the co-teaching model is applied.  Co-teaching utilizes the expertise of the special education teacher and the general education teacher in the delivery of instruction to students through diverse co-teaching models.   An In-class resource program is appropriate for a student who requires specially designed instruction from a special education teacher, and individualized accommodations, supplemental aids, and services.  The student may require modifications to the general education curriculum in delivery, scope, grading, and activities. 

LLD: The LLD program is a self-contained program that serves students from kindergarten through high school. This program offering is available for students with disabilities who require a highly structured and supervised learning environment.  Instruction is provided in all academic areas and focused on individual IEP goals and objectives. This program employs differentiated strategies and teaching modalities and incorporates lessons directed by the NJ Common Core and Core Curriculum Standards. Individualized academic instruction may take place in one-to-one instruction, small group, and whole group settings within the classroom, as appropriate for the individual student.  Students in this program may receive related services for physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as determined by the district’s related service providers. Students have the opportunity to participate in classes with their general education peers with the appropriate level of support. 

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