Social Studies - Ancient Egypt Brochure
(Remember, you are researching ANCIENT Egypt and not present-day Egypt)
You may only use your textbook, additional books from the school or public library you find, and/or the below approved links to help you find information for your travel brochure. Keep in mind you might have to search within the websites below to find exactly what you are looking for. You can also try to use "control F" to search for your specific topic of interest on theweb page. You should be able to find everything you need at the websites below, but you will have to use more than one; after all, you are researching your topic! You must get permission to use any others.
Science- Chapter 10 Lesson 2- Design a landscape project links:
Copy and paste the link into your browser.
Kansas – Encyclopedia Britannica
Plants Recommended in Kansas
Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses
USDA Plants Database – Kansas